582 research outputs found

    Voice control of the space shuttle video system

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    A pilot voice control system developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) to test and evaluate the feasibility of controlling the shuttle TV cameras and monitors by voice commands utilizes a commercially available discrete word speech recognizer which can be trained to the individual utterances of each operator. Successful ground tests were conducted using a simulated full-scale space shuttle manipulator. The test configuration involved the berthing, maneuvering and deploying a simulated science payload in the shuttle bay. The handling task typically required 15 to 20 minutes and 60 to 80 commands to 4 TV cameras and 2 TV monitors. The best test runs show 96 to 100 percent voice recognition accuracy

    Dispersion of Observed Position Angles of Submillimeter Polarization in Molecular Clouds

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    One can estimate the characteristic magnetic field strength in GMCs by comparing submillimeter polarimetric observations of these sources with simulated polarization maps developed using a range of different values for the assumed field strength. The point of comparison is the degree of order in the distribution of polarization position angles. In a recent paper by H. Li and collaborators, such a comparison was carried out using SPARO observations of two GMCs, and employing simulations by E. Ostriker and collaborators. Here we reexamine this same question, using the same data set and the same simulations, but using an approach that differs in several respects. The most important difference is that we incorporate new, higher angular resolution observations for one of the clouds, obtained using the Hertz polarimeter. We conclude that the agreement between observations and simulations is best when the total magnetic energy (including both uniform and fluctuating field components) is at least as large as the turbulent kinetic energy.Comment: revised, accepted version; to appear in The Astrophysical Journal; 20 pages, 2 figures, 2 table

    A Framework for Inferring Taxonomic Class of Asteroids.

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    Introduction: Taxonomic classification of asteroids based on their visible / near-infrared spectra or multi band photometry has proven to be a useful tool to infer other properties about asteroids. Meteorite analogs have been identified for several taxonomic classes, permitting detailed inference about asteroid composition. Trends have been identified between taxonomy and measured asteroid density. Thanks to NEOWise (Near-Earth-Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer) and Spitzer (Spitzer Space Telescope), approximately twice as many asteroids have measured albedos than the number with taxonomic classifications. (If one only considers spectroscopically determined classifications, the ratio is greater than 40.) We present a Bayesian framework that provides probabilistic estimates of the taxonomic class of an asteroid based on its albedo. Although probabilistic estimates of taxonomic classes are not a replacement for spectroscopic or photometric determinations, they can be a useful tool for identifying objects for further study or for asteroid threat assessment models. Inputs and Framework: The framework relies upon two inputs: the expected fraction of each taxonomic class in the population and the albedo distribution of each class. Luckily, numerous authors have addressed both of these questions. For example, the taxonomic distribution by number, surface area and mass of the main belt has been estimated and a diameter limited estimate of fractional abundances of the near earth asteroid population was made. Similarly, the albedo distributions for taxonomic classes have been estimated for the combined main belt and NEA (Near Earth Asteroid) populations in different taxonomic systems and for the NEA population specifically. The framework utilizes a Bayesian inference appropriate for categorical data. The population fractions provide the prior while the albedo distributions allow calculation of the likelihood an albedo measurement is consistent with a given taxonomic class. These inputs allows calculation of the probability an asteroid with a specified albedo belongs to any given taxonomic class

    Service Quality Determinants and Effectiveness in the Real Estate Brokerage Industry

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    This study provides an analysis of the real estate brokerage industry for the purposes of identifying the determinants of service quality, the level of service quality, and possible service quality improvement measures. Factor analysis of survey response data is used to develop an empirical application of a theoretical service quality model. Except for rank order, real estate service quality determinants are found to match those in other industries. Real estate service quality met expectations in three areas, and was below expectations in two areas. Salesperson performance evaluation measures are suggested to improve service quality.

    Mapping the Kinematical Regimes of Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering

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    We construct a language for identifying kinematical regions of transversely differential semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering cross sections with particular underlying partonic pictures, especially in regions of moderate to low QQ where sensitivity to kinematical effects outside the usual very high energy limit becomes non-trivial. The partonic pictures map to power law expansions whose leading contributions ultimately lead to well-known QCD factorization theorems. We propose methods for estimating the consistency of any particular region of overall hadronic kinematics with the kinematics of a given underlying partonic picture. The basic setup of kinematics of semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering is also reviewed in some detail.Comment: 37 pages, 11 Figure

    The Role of Physical and Numerical Modeling in Design Development of the Priest Rapids Fish Bypass

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    This paper describes a number of years of physical and numerical modelling that were instrumental in the development of the final fish bypass design at Priest Rapids Dam. Three physical models and multiple numerical models were used to guide the design of the fish bypass including its location on the dam, impact on forebay and tailrace flow patterns, intake configuration, design flow rates, flow control scheme, tailrace egress, potential for scour near the dam, potential impacts on total dissolved gas (TDG), impacts on spillway and powerhouse operation, and overall fish friendliness of the bypass. Throughout those years of design work, results from actively tagged salmonid smolt studies were used to guide and validate each step of the design process. In 2011, a construction contract was awarded and the Priest Rapids Fish Bypass facility was completed in the early spring of 2014. Final validation of this newly constructed facility came in the spring of 2014 with a survival and behavior study conducted using acoustic tagged yearling Chinook and juvenile steelhead smolts to evaluate the salmonid smolt survival rate through the bypass along with the fish passage efficiency (FPE) of the bypass facility. This paper discusses the physical models plus CFD models used to support the design development of a non-turbine fish bypass and presents the results of the survival and behaviour studies conducted after the fish bypass was installed at Priest Rapids Dam

    First Results from SPARO: Evidence for Large-Scale Toroidal Magnetic Fields in the Galactic Center

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    We have observed the linear polarization of 450 micron continuum emission from the Galactic center, using a new polarimetric detector system that is operated on a 2 m telescope at the South Pole. The resulting polarization map extends ~ 170 pc along the Galactic plane and ~ 30 pc in Galactic latitude, and thus covers a significant fraction of the central molecular zone. Our map shows that this region is permeated by large-scale toroidal magnetic fields. We consider our results together with radio observations that show evidence for poloidal fields in the Galactic center, and with Faraday rotation observations. We compare all of these observations with the predictions of a magnetodynamic model for the Galactic center that was proposed in order to explain the Galactic Center Radio Lobe as a magnetically driven gas outflow. We conclude that the observations are basically consistent with the model.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, submitted to ApJ Let

    Different immunological mechanisms govern protection from experimental stroke in young and older mice with recombinant TCR ligand therapy

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    Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability in the United States. The lack of clinical success in stroke therapies can be attributed, in part, to inadequate basic research on aging rodents. The current study demonstrates that recombinant TCR ligand therapy uses different immunological mechanisms to protect young and older mice from experimental stroke. In young mice, RTL1000 therapy inhibited splenocyte efflux while reducing frequency of T cells and macrophages in the spleen. Older mice treated with RTL1000 exhibited a significant reduction in inflammatory cells in the brain and inhibition of splenic atrophy. Our data suggest age specific differences in immune response to stroke that allow unique targeting of stroke immunotherapies
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